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Is Cholesterol all evil?

Published April 1, 2015

No, cholesterol is not all evil. You need cholesterol to make all your sex hormones: Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, DHEA.  You need cholesterol to make your adrenal hormones: DHEA, Corstisol and Aldosterone. Cholesterol is needed to make hormones for proper brain function: Pregnenalone, and all the sex hormones mentioned above.You need cholesterol to make the great “sun hormone” – Vit D

Cholesterol is part of the cell wall of every cell in your body.So should we then aim to get your cholesterol as low as possible?


As some great minds have said, ‘cholesterol is found at the scene of the crime but is not guilty.’ This is because unaltered cholesterol will not stick to the wall of the blood vessel to cause a plaque. Oxidized cholesterol, which is altered will stick to blood vessels.

What causes cholesterol to become oxidized? Unhealthy lifestyle including:

Poor food choices, food laden with refined carborhydrates, high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, food additives, transfats or hydrogenated oils,fried food and artificial sweeteners.  Diets low in wholesome vegetables, colorful fruits, lean proteins and nuts. In short, the Standard American Diet (SAD).

Lack of exercise

Poor sleep habits


Toxicity from the environment including your home.

Imbalance in your intestines.

High cholesreol might  be  our body telling us that our thyroid is not functioning at optimal level or that our sex organs are not working as well as they should and are not using the cholesterol to make the necessary hormones. So why don’t we fix what is wrong and balance our hormones, rather than  cover up the symptoms and clean up the evidence?

So let’s  get to work, stay healthy and do all we can to stop our cholesterol from being oxidized and balance our hormones when indicated.


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